Environmental policy


In providing construction and design services, we aim to meet client expectations by using environmentally friendly technologies and striving for sustainable value creation. In order to achieve our goals of minimising climate impact – promoting a circular economy, and encouraging digitisation and innovation, we use energy resources more efficiently, continuously reduce the amount of production waste, minimise paper document preparation, optimise business processes, and conserve resources.

Inti UAB assumes liability for the environmental impact of its operations and undertakes:

  • to maintain and upgrade the environmental management system to meet the requirements of the international standard ISO14001;
  • to implement pollution prevention measures minimising environmental effect of the operations;
  • to follow all applicable environmental legal and regulatory requirements;
  • to boost the staff’s environmental knowledge and to put it into everyday activities, to raise the staff’s environmental awareness;
  • to use natural and energy resources sparingly and responsibly;
  • to ensure adequate handling of generated waste;
  • we implement digitalisation and innovation promotion by reducing paper document preparation, optimising operational processes, minimising resource consumption, and enabling innovation;
  • to implement the environmental objectives and to provide necessary resources.

The environmental policy of the Company Inti UAB is a public document available for every party concerned.