Occupational safety and health management policy


Our moto – safety and health of employees is our top priority

When performing construction assembly work and providing design services, we aim to eliminate or minimise any negative impact and risks associated with occupational health and safety, ensuring safe working conditions for employees, and promoting a culture of high organizational objectives within the company.

In delivering construction services, guarantee maintenance and modernisation, Inti UAB assumes liability for occupational health and safety effects caused by its operations and undertakes:

  • to maintain and continuously upgrade the occupational safety and health system implemented in the Company in line with the requirements of the Standard LST EN ISO 45001:2018;
  • to identify all workstation-specific risks;
  • to pursue continuous minimisation of risks and to take steps to prevent work-related injuries, incidents and occupational diseases;
  • to develop and perform manufacturing operations in line with the requirements of the legislation and regulations of the Republic of Lithuania;
  • to set occupational health and safety goals and to provide necessary resources for their implementation;
  • ensuring safe working conditions for employees in the workplace, prioritise employee health and a positive working environment, and continuously organise preventive health and safety training to enhance employee competence in safety matters;
  • ensuring that the company’s relationships with social partners representing employee interests are based on principles of constructive social partnership, involving organisations representing employees in decisions related to company management, employee welfare, and strengthening mutual cooperation;
  • ensuring the prevention of violence and harassment in the workplace, promote employees’ psychological safety, and create a safe working environment for all company employees while providing necessary support to individuals who have experienced violence in the workplace or reported incidents of violence or harassment;
  • striving for equal treatment and opportunities for all current and future company employees, maintain a work-life balance, contribute to employee well-being, and apply a system of additional benefits for all company employees;
  • to promote the development of a culture of safety and health at work, in which the safety and health of each worker becomes a core value.

The occupational safety and health policy of the Company Inti UAB is a public document available for every party concerned.